Our services ensure safety and cost control long-term.
Natural Smoke Ventilation
Natural smoke ventilation uses the inherent buoyancy of hot smoke and airflow dynamics of smoke and air to remove smoke using the building façade.
An effective smoke control system ensures smoke can be vented from escape routes within high-rise buildings including corridors, lobbies and especially staircases. Designed to operate on a floor by floor basis, the detection of smoke within any of the protected areas triggers the smoke control system which automatically opens smoke doors and Automatic Opening Vents (AOVs) to allow smoke to be removed from the affected area and keep escape routes clear.

Mechanical Smoke Ventilation
Mechanical Smoke Ventilation like Natural aids the safe escape of occupants’ and allow adequate access for firefighters. Our Mechanical Smoke Ventilation Systems are an alternative method to Natural Smoke Venting.
In the event of a fire, mechanical smoke vent systems offer the ultimate in smoke control as they remove smoke from the building, thus aiding the occupants’ means of escape and providing suitable access for firefighting services. The systems are controlled via the OS2 or OSLoop network and are fully integrated with both control systems.
Car Park Ventilation
Our aim with car park ventilation is to provide the most cost-effective solution tailored to the type of car park, the layout of the car park and any additional fire legislation that may be in force over and above the basic code standards.
Thanks to our understanding of fire legislation, research into real fire data and modelling of pollution control. We can design systems to reduce costs or remove unnecessary high-cost elements, such as sprinklers, to provide our clients with significant value engineering savings.
Through our partners PVE we can provide various car park ventilation systems depending on the type of car park, such as mechanical smoke extraction and enhanced smoke clearance systems.

Where there is a smoke ventilation system installed you must ensure that it is covered by a system of maintenance and is maintained by a competent person, in efficient working order and in good repair – Failure in your duty to ensure that your smoke ventilation system is fully operational could result in your current fire risk assessment no longer being valid.
We carry out maintenance to smoke ventilation systems in accordance with BSEN12101-2-2003 standards. Training could be provided to key personnel on site with regards to how the systems operate.
Maintenance programmes can be planned around whatever schedule you may have.